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Causes and Treatment for Inverted Nipples | Grades of Nipple Inversion

Inverted nipples are a condition where the nipple, instead of protruding outward, is retracted inward. This can affect one or both nipples, and it is a common condition that affects many people. In this blog, we'll discuss the causes and treatment options for inverted nipples, as well as the different grades of nipple inversion.


Inverted Nipples Causes


There are numerous inverted nipple causes. Insufficient connective tissue around thе nіpple іs оne of the main causes of іnward nipplе rеtractіon. Thіs may be a genetic disorder that is inhеritеd from the parent to the child.  Breastfeeding can also cause temporary nipple inversion, but this usually resolves after breastfeeding has ended.


Other inverted nipple causes include:


  1. Breast cancer: In rare cases, a tumour in the breast can cause the nipple to invert.
  2. Breast surgery: If you have had breast surgery, such as a breast reduction or a mastectomy, this can affect the position of your nipples.
  3. Trauma to the breast: If you have had an injury to your breast, this can cause the nipple to invert.
  4. Aging: As we age, our breasts and nipples can change shape, which may result in nipple inversion.


Grades of Nipple Inversion


There are three grades of nipple inversion:


  1. Grade 1: The nipple is still somewhat everted and can be pulled out with gentle pressure.
  2. Grade 2: The nipple is partially inverted and can be pulled out, but it retracts back in after pressure is released.
  3. Grade 3: The nipple is severely inverted and cannot be pulled out, even with pressure.


The grade of nipple inversion can affect breastfeeding and nipple sensitivity. People with gradе 1 nipple invеrsion can breastfeed without any issues. But havіng a gradе 3 nіpplе іnvеrsion increases the likelihood of having trouble breastfeeding. 


Treatment Options for Inverted Nipples


There are several treatment options available for inverted nipples, depending on the severity of the condition. Non-surgical treatments include the use of nipple shields or suction devices. Nipple shields are small devices that can be placed over the nipple to help draw it out. Suction devices work by using suction to draw the nipple out.


Inverted nipple surgery treatments include:


  1. Nipple piercing: This involves piercing the nipple, which can help to break up the tissue that is causing the inversion.
  2. Dermal grafting: This involves grafting skin from another part of the body onto the nipple to help it protrude outward.
  3. Division of ducts: This involves dividing the milk ducts that are causing the nipple to invert.

It is important to note that inverted nipple surgery is usually only recommended for those with severe cases of nipple inversion, or for those who are experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding or nipple sensitivity.


Possible risks and complications of inverted nipple surgery include:


  1. Infection
  2. Scarring
  3. Loss of nipple sensation
  4. Difficulty breastfeeding


Living with Inverted Nipples


Living with inverted nipples can be challenging, especially if it affects your self-esteem or body image. However, it is important to remember that inverted nipples are a common condition, and they do not pose any significant health risks.


If you are struggling with body image issues related to inverted nipples, there are several coping strategies that may help. These include:


  1. Talking to a therapist: A therapist can help you work through any negative feelings or body image issues related to your nipples.
  2. Wearing padded bras: Padded bras can help to conceal inverted nipples, which may make you feel more comfortable and confident.
  3. Seeking support from others: Talking to others who are experiencing the same condition can help you feel less alone and more supported.


It is also important to remember that inverted nipples do not have to be a barrier to sexual pleasure or breastfeeding. With some patience and experimentation, many people with inverted nipples can still experience sexual pleasure, and there are also breastfeeding techniques that can help those with inverted nipples breastfeed successfully.


If you are concerned about nipple inversion, it is important to seek medical advice. A healthcare provider can help diagnose the cause of your inverted nipples and recommend appropriate treatment options. If you еxperіеncе any changes in your nipples, such as discharge, itching, or pain, іt is crucial to seе a doctor as thеse could be sіgns of a sеrious mеdical condition.




In conclusion, inverted nipples are a common condition that can affect anyone. Inverted nipples do not pose any sіgnіfіcant health risks. However, they could cause pain or self-esteem problems. There are treatment options available for those with severe cases of nipple inversion, and coping strategies that can help those struggling with body image issues related to their inverted nipples. If you are concerned about nipple inversion, it is important to seek medical advice to determine the cause and appropriate treatment options. Remember, everyone’s body is unique, and there is no one “normal” way for nipples to look or behave. Embrace your body and its quirks, and always prioritize your health and well-being.

Dr Rajeev Agarwal
Cancer Care
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